AE100² earns Stereonet Applause Award in first review
Are you looking for some good news on a gloomy Winter morning? Well, good news, you’ve come to the right place as we’ve just received our first review of the brand new AE1002. Paul Sechi at Stereonet spent a few days in their company and came to the conclusion that they should be presented with an Applause Award!
Find out why by making the jump over to the Stereonet website, but first here’s a few of our favourite quotes…
“Perfect 10 from The Beautiful South was one highlight from my listening sessions. The soundstage was broad, had depth and female vocals sounded the best I had achieved so far. The keyboard sections sounded together – with weight, pace and definition – and I found myself surprised at just how well the little Acoustic Energy standmounter was doing, keeping things together.”
“There is much to like about Acoustic Energy’s new AE1002 standmounter. Set it up correctly, and it will sing for you – making music enjoyable and engaging. As with every loudspeaker, correct positioning is key, and when this is working right, it delivers a lot at the price. “
“… it delivers an impressively uniform sound at low, medium and high-volume levels. So, if you are in the market for a little loudspeaker that’s sonically bigger than its compact cabinet suggests, you’re on the right track here – it certainly puts a smile on your dial!”
Read the full review here.