Hall of Fame award for Corinium

Who remembers this from The Script? “Standing in the Hall of Fame, And the world’s gonna know your name.”

Well, that’s the day we’re having as the Corinium has been awarded a place in the Hi-Fi+ Magazine Hall of Fame 2024.

Back in April when Ed Selley reviewed the Corinium he commented…

“This speaker does things that I haven’t always associated with Acoustic Energy, and it does it well enough to ensure that it earns its admission to the price point it contests without a shadow of a doubt. The most impressive part of it all, though, is that it has done that without forgetting where it has come from.”

That’s another award to add to the ever growing list of awards and accolades presented to the Corinium.

You can download a pdf of the original review here and the Hall of Fame entry here.

British Racing Green (Corinium Museum)